Road Warrior Benefit Ryde and Pancake Breakfast
Join us Saturday, September 9 for a Benefit Ryde and Breakfast. We will be joining other US Spyder Ryder Chapters as we look to raise funds to help the Road Warrior Foundation for their upcoming ryde in October.
Breakfast Ryde
We will look to leave Clermont @ 7am from the BP located at SR-50 and 455. Meet-up time will be 6:45. Our ryde over to Tampa Bay PowerSports will be via some scene roads before hoping on I-75 for a short bit. Total time = 1hr 34mins or 84.4 miles. To access the Breakfast Ryde route, just click here. Your Ryde Leaders for this event will be Hal BikerDoc and Dan Hamel
Click to Enlarge - Breakfast Route
After Breakfast, chapters will depart back to Central Florida for Lunch at JB Boondocks in Howie in the Hills.
Please post below if you are going on the Breakfast Ryde or meeting the group for lunch only or both.
It is really important that we give the Florida West Coast Chapter a good head count.