2025 Board Member Nominations
As we begin our 2025 ryding season, per our Bylaws, it is also time to nominate officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster) for the coming year. In the link below you will find the elected positions that are open along with a brief description of the primary responsibilities of these positions.
Please make sure that the person you are nominating is willing to hold office. The nominee must also be present at the annual meeting and willing to meet the following obligations along with their elected duties.
1) Be present for at least six group ryding events during the year. Three of which should be in the first six months of the year and three in the last six months of the year
2) Put together two group rydes or events within the year of office
3) Attend a minimum of three Board Meetings along with the Annual Club Meeting
Per our Bylaws, officers may perform more than one function, however, will be seen as only one voting member on the Board.
Nominations must be submitted by Tuesday, January 28, 2025. Based on your nominations, those individuals will then be placed on the ballet and voted on during our Annual Membership Meeting on February 1, 2025. Note that nominations will be reviewed prior to the meeting to ensure those submitted are members that are in good standings with the club per our Bylaws. Should you have any questions, please email either our club Membership Admin or myself and we will be happy to help answer your questions.
Members may only be elected into office if they are in good standing with the club and present for the annual meeting unless unable to attend due to a medical or family issue. The issue must be submitted to the Club President at least 5-days prior to the meeting and must also be read to the membership that is present prior to a vote for the position for said position the member is running for.
Once a Board of Directors has been elected they will then look to appoint individuals to the positions Road Captain(s), Coordinators, Chaplain and others as needed. It is the collective of all positions that will comprise the Board.