Fall Spyder, Bike and Trike Fest to Benefit the Road Warrior Foundation
New date TBD a later time
October 8 - 11, 2020
Deland, Florida
Seminole Power Sports, the US Spyder Ryders, The Road Warrior Foundation along with the SPS Spyder Riders and Ob’s Restaurant & Lounge present The Fall Spyder, Bike & Trike Fest to Benefit the Road Warrior Foundation. The event will be in DeLand Florida October 29th – October 31st. The event is be held at Ob’s 1750 North Woodland DeLand Fl. We will have Vendors , Group Rides, Entertainment and BBQ. So be sure to save the dates.
More information at:
Website: https://fallspyderfesttobenefitroadwarriorsfoundation.com/
email: 1spyderdave@gmail.com
Phone: (386)804-9531