The objective of the US Spyder Ryders - Central New Jersey Chapter ryding club is to promote ryding Can-Am On-Road products, Spyders and Rykers, along with motorcycling in general, while focusing on having fun and at the same time attempting to do the most good for our community and local charities. We cater to Can Am Spyder and Ryker ryders, but we welcome ryders of 2 wheel bikes and trikes!
Founder: Eddy Pitre Sr (deceased) & Kathleen Seufert (formally Pitre)
President: Dan Profetto
Vice President: Danny Bessasparis
Secretary: Kathleen Seufert (formally Pitre)
Web Master: Kathleen Seufert (formally Pitre)
Treasurer: Terry Kuhfahl
Chaplain: Craig Randolph
Road Captains: Champagne Lawrence & Kevin Hawley
Tail Gunners: Terry Kuhfahl & Dianne Profetto
Sargeant at Arms: George Seufert
Social Director: Dianne Profetto