Saturday, October 24, 2020
Meet up: 9:30 am at Central Florida Powersports, 2575 N Orange Blossom Trail, Kissimmee, FL.
Before departing on the Awareness Ryde route, we will identify the roles and responsibilities for both the volunteers providing support at Central Florida Powersports and for the ryde leader roles for all of the rydes.
We should depart CFPS around 10:00 am on the route to the Park. This is just a little over an hour ryde with no stops along the way. At the park, we will review the roles and responsibilities for the volunteers at the park along with stressing the importance of a timely departure of the first groups so the second groups are not delayed on entering the park.
Departing the park, as the route includes, we will return to Central Florida Powersports on about a 15-20 minute ryde. This allows event participants to return from where they started so they are oriented for their return trip home.
After all questions are asked and answered, we will be going to Big John’s BBQ in Kissimmee at their newly opened location. Everyone on the Dry Run is welcome to join in.
Event volunteer’s only, please confirm your participation in the Dry Run with a comment below. Please indicate if a spouse or partner that is not a volunteer will be with you on the Dry Run.