Join us Saturday, November 14 for a morning ride up to Yalaha Bakery (Old-World German Bakery & Restaurant) in Yalaha, Florida. Our plan is to meet up with the Ocala Chapter at the Bakery. Our Ryde will leave Wawa in Kissimmee (just south of CFPS) at 8:30am which means meet up is at 8:00. We will then take the back roads up to Yalaha with a stop in South Clemont about mid-way. Arrival to Yalaha is projected to be about 11am.
Yalaha Bakery Website - Click Here
GPS File - Click Here
Calimoto Route - Click Here
Meet-up Time - 8am - Feet Up 8:30
Ryde Distance - 77.4 miles
Ryde Time - 2hrs 12mins