Saturday, April 13, 2024
Meet Up: 9:00 am Speedway, 1501 E State Rd 434, Winter Springs, FL.
Depart: 9:30 am
We’ll ryde some nice back roads to Mullet Lake Park in Geneva, FL then on to Memorial Park in Debary, FL before we end up at the Swamp House Riverfront Grill on the St. Johns River in Debary for lunch. This is an easy going ryde that both new and experienced ryders will enjoy. Total moving time is about 1 hr. 30 min. over about 50 miles. There are 2 stops at parks along the way that make it a relaxing ryde where you can get to know your fellow ryders. New members are encouraged to sign up for a great experience.
This is a great ryde to relax and smell the smells. Hope to see you there.
Post a comment if you plan to attend.