Event by Dianne Profetto and US Spyder Ryders - Central New Jersey

VFW Post 7508

17 Bordentown Ave, Old Bridge, NJ 08857

Group  · Members of US Spyder Ryders - Central New Jersey

Chapter Members Only, Class limit is 25. Don’t miss out grab your spot and register to take a advantage
of this Bystander Assistance Class.

This is an ASM 100 Series Class. “A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist”

This CAPCE-accredited course is our most popular class. Learn what to do in the first 5-30 minutes after a crash until professional help arrives. Fully Instructor-Led (IL) by a certified ASM instructor, Karen Cofresi*, this 7-hour class (8 hours with lunch) teaches helmet removal, jaw thrust rescue breathing, moving the injured, controlling bleeding, and more. All skills are taught and practiced.

Cost: $100.00 per student, includes all course materials, a patch and a certificate.
Contact: Dan Profetto for link and group discount. This class is CLOSED to the general public
and only available for chapter members of US SPYDER RYDERS CENTRAL NEW JERSEY.

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1 Use P.A.C.T. to determine priorities while approaching a crash scene
2 Explain the importance of having both knowledge and supplies to assist at a scene
3 Give examples of how Good Samaritan Laws work and what constitutes “Gross Negligence”
4 Explain personal protection and cross-contamination
5 Give 3 examples of traffic control techniques
6 Verbalize how to get an injured person out from underneath a motorcycle
7 Explain how and when to move an injured person
8 Use assessment skills to gather information critical to determining the severity of the injuries and
gather information for the EMS
9 Explain the importance of the mechanisms of injury as it relates to injuries
10 Verbalize what information is important to relay to the EMS
11 Demonstrate how to do a rapid head-to-toe assessment using ABCSS of trauma to determine the priorities of treatment
12 Explain how to perform Jaw Thrust rescue breathing to open an airway in trauma
13 Explain how to determine if a person is breathing and how to rescue breath for them if it is determined that
they are not breathing on their own.
14 Verbalize 4 ways to control bleeding
15 Verbalize 3 kinds of shock & which one you have the most control over at a crash scene
16 Explain why less movement of the spine is better.

* Karen Cofresi is a retired NYC EMS First Responder. Karen began her love for emergency medicine in High School and volunteered with her local Volunteer Squad for several years. After graduation, she went on to make Emergency Medicine her career. Karen was a member of the elite Special Operations Division responsible for training over 2,000 personnel with emergency operational policies and procedures. Karen has taught CPR, HIPAA, Blood Borne Pathogen Safety, and OSHA to her students.

AuthorKathleen Chamberlain-Pitre