On May 13th we are ryding to Treasure Coast Can-Am, 8401 SE Federal Hwy, Hobe Sound Fl. We will meet up at Route 1 Motorsports at 9:00 am and depart at 9:30 am for our ride down to Hobe Sound where we will meet other US Spyder Ryder Chapters.
Come see the most elegant motorcycle dealership in the state and the newest addition to the Can Am Dealership list in Florida. The days events include 2017 Spyder Demo Rydes, Catered FREE food, FREE t-shirts for attendees on Spyders (ryder and passenger), reserved parking for Spyders. Laser alignments available for $119 (please call ahead for appointment, 772-252-5000). For extra entertainment there will also be a big car show from the Treasure Coast area. Members from other US Spyder Ryder Chapters will be there.
Post a comment if you plan to attend.