Our plan at the moment is to meet at the Sunoco 4600 West New Haven at 7:45 AM and depart at 8:00 AM arriving around 8:50 AM at CFPS. More to come soon. Please post a comment if you plan to ryde to support the Road Warrior Foundation.
This event will fund raise and promote the mission awareness of the Road Warrior Foundation and its major 2018 Ryde.
We will meet at Central Florida Powersports at 9am for a light breakfast before wheels up at 9:45am. After a local area ryde of approximately 80 miles, we will return to Central Florida Powersports at 11:45am for a cookout luncheon and a seminar on the new 2018 Cluster and BRP connect presented by the infamous Kenny Butler. We will also hold door prize drawings for a helmet, a $100 gift certificate from F4 Custom windshield, a new Motorcycle Jacket, multiple products from Lamonster garage, etc. The 2018 product line will be on display and serious ryders can avail themselves of the limited demo rydes. We will also have a 50/50 drawing available.
All This and a tax deduction for only $35 per person entry fee. All US Spyder Ryder chapters across the state are invited to ryde in for this fun packed event. Oh yes, you will also receive a free collectible 4 inch vest patch for participating in the event.