Sunday, June 14, 2020
MEET UP: Wawa, 13501 W Colonial Dr, Winter Garden, FL 34787: 8:45 am.
DEPART: 9:00 am
SIGN UP: Please sign-up No Later Than 9:00 pm Thursday, 6/11/20 so we can get a good head count. Be sure to indicate the number of people.
SAFETY: We want to be safe both health-wise and ryding-wise. Here are our rules to follow:
If you feel sick, stay home, don’t sign up.
We ryde in groups of no more than 10, people not bikes.
No touching … people or bikes
Keep social distancing - min. 6 feet
Wear a face mask or face covering when not ryding or eating.
This will be about a 3 hour ryde (with One 10 minute stop). The views look great for outdoor dining and the menu looks just as good.
We are looking forward to getting our rydes going again!!!
If you have a GPS, please load the file prior to the ryde. Please just click on the map to download.