Saturday, May 30, 2020

MEET UP: Wawa, 4660 FL-46, Sanford, FL. : 7:00 am and 7:30 am if more than 10 people

DEPART: 7:15 am then 7:45 am if more than 10 people

SIGN UP: No Later Than 9:00 pm Thursday, 5/28/20 (Late sign-ups cannot join the ryde(s). Based on the sign-ups, we will identify ryder groups with meet up and depart times and post both in the comments below and on Central Florida Chapter Facebook Page on Friday, 5./29/20 by noon. Groups will be made based on the order people sign-up/comment below. Be sure to indicate the number of people. Please be on time to the announced ryder group times.

SAFETY: We want to be safe both health-wise and ryding-wise. Here are our rules to follow:

  1. If you feel sick, stay home, don’t sign up.

  2. We ryde in groups of no more than 10, people not bikes.

  3. No touching … people or bikes

  4. Keep social distancing - min. 6 feet

  5. Wear a face mask or face covering when not ryding or eating.

GET EXCITED: This is our first group ryde in quite a while. It will be great to meet up with people we’ve missed. This will be about a 2 hour ryde (no stops) to be at the Goodrich Seafood and Oyster House for breakfast around 9:20 and 9:50 am. They do serve a good breakfast although the breakfast menu is not posted on their website.

Looking forward to getting our rydes going again!!!

If you have a GPS or use Calimoto, please load the appropriate file below prior to the ryde. We may need additional Road Captains and/or Tail Gunners. Thanks. (Also thanks to George Cintron for providing the route. Sorry you won’t be able to make the ryde).

Garmin GPX File
Calimoto Link (almost the same)

AuthorDave Van Verth
CategoriesGroup Ryde