Re-Opening Breakfast Ryde
Saturday, May 30, 2020
MEET UP: Wawa, 4660 FL-46, Sanford, FL. : 7:00 am and 7:30 am if more than 10 people
DEPART: 7:15 am then 7:45 am if more than 10 people
SIGN UP: No Later Than 9:00 pm Thursday, 5/28/20 (Late sign-ups cannot join the ryde(s). Based on the sign-ups, we will identify ryder groups with meet up and depart times and post both in the comments below and on Central Florida Chapter Facebook Page on Friday, 5./29/20 by noon. Groups will be made based on the order people sign-up/comment below. Be sure to indicate the number of people. Please be on time to the announced ryder group times.
SAFETY: We want to be safe both health-wise and ryding-wise. Here are our rules to follow:
If you feel sick, stay home, don’t sign up.
We ryde in groups of no more than 10, people not bikes.
No touching … people or bikes
Keep social distancing - min. 6 feet
Wear a face mask or face covering when not ryding or eating.
GET EXCITED: This is our first group ryde in quite a while. It will be great to meet up with people we’ve missed. This will be about a 2 hour ryde (no stops) to be at the Goodrich Seafood and Oyster House for breakfast around 9:20 and 9:50 am. They do serve a good breakfast although the breakfast menu is not posted on their website.
Looking forward to getting our rydes going again!!!
If you have a GPS or use Calimoto, please load the appropriate file below prior to the ryde. We may need additional Road Captains and/or Tail Gunners. Thanks. (Also thanks to George Cintron for providing the route. Sorry you won’t be able to make the ryde).
Garmin GPX File
Calimoto Link (almost the same)